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UAC in the News
Press Release: Utah Communities Oppose HB 0215
On January 27th, the Utah legislature finalized a long time goal of a few extreme conservative groups by writing into law a voucher system allotting public money to fund private education for a few. It was signed into law by Governor Cox on January 28th.
Our combined citizen groups, all of them supporting parents, teachers and students, strongly oppose this transfer of 42 million dollars of taxpayer money into private, for profit institutions. The absence of this money will leave many students stranded in low-performing and underfunded schools. Our students, our Utah families, would be much better served by allocating these resources where they are needed to provide better educational outcomes in Utah public schools.
We believe HB 215 is a first step to further degrade our public education system. In the words of Allison Sorenson, Marketing Director for Utah Fits for All and Executive Director and Board member of Educational Opportunity for every Child, the point of HB 215 is to “destroy public education.” In spite of backlash from GOP leaders, we believe her. Knocking down public education through voucher bills, benefitting only a few, is going on in several deeply conservative states, all with the goal of benefiting those wealthy enough to afford the additional cost of privatization. It is harmful to all of us.
We believe the goal of public education is to benefit our community by educating our children to navigate an increasingly diverse globalized economy. We believe an emphasis on diversity and inclusion helps our children and our families learn from different cultures, backgrounds and experiences. HB 215 allows for segregation of some of the most diverse and marginalized members of our common community. This does not benefit individual education, nor does it benefit our community.
HB 215 causes a great deal of harm to our public education, a harm that will be multi-generational. Even with the best intentions of some, HB 215 heads us in the wrong direction. We support an immediate repeal of this harmful legislation.
Prepared by Utah Alliance Coalition and Utah Parents for Teachers
Immediate signatories:
Utah Parents Involved in Education
NAACP Ogden Branch
1Utah Project
Murray Equity Alliance
Jan 30, 2023
Utah Alliance Coalition & Utah Parents for Teachers
Press Release: Utahns Plan fREADom Forum at Millcreek Community Library
Utah Alliance Coalition—in partnership with EveryLibrary, a national group that advocates for supporting and funding libraries—will hold an in-person and online panel forum discussing book banning in Utah. Peter Bromberg, the Associate Director of EveryLibrary and former Executive Director of Salt Lake City Public Library, will discuss the current state of book banning, how those efforts are expected to impact Utah families and schools, and why this issue is important. Also available for contact is Utah Parents for Teachers, a parent-teacher support group based in Davis County.
This will be followed by discussions from a number of local writers; current speakers include former Utah Poet Laureate Paisley Rekdal, Senator Kathleen Riebe will inform us about HB 374 and the application of the “bright-line” rule. We have scheduled a number of community members to speak from their own, unique perspectives.
We know that Utah families value their freedoms, including having the freedom to read without censorship by short-sighted politicians or extreme groups trying to impose their personal beliefs on all Utahns. Restricting access to literature puts our students at a competitive disadvantage and leaves them less prepared for success in the world. Most Utah families oppose government overreach and mandates that deny public and student access to a wide range of diverse literature, children’s books, and classics, and disagree with the intentional attempt to scrub library shelves of LGBTQI+ and BIPOC voices, perspectives, and experiences.
Nov 30, 2022
Utah Alliance Coalition
Board approves policy to determine which books are appropriate for Utah school libraries
SALT LAKE CITY — What kinds of books are — or aren't — allowed in Utah school libraries?
After months of deliberation surrounding a policy to determine what book titles are or aren't appropriate for school libraries, the Utah State Board of Education on Tuesday voted to approve a library materials model policy that aims to specify "the process for identifying materials to be included or disqualified from use in libraries and schools."
The policy, which provides guidance to districts and charter schools for reviewing possibly sensitive materials in schools, was created in response to HB374 and board rule R277-628.
After over two hours of deliberation and amendments to the policy, the board voted to approve the library materials model policy nearly unanimously with board member Natalie Cline casting the lone vote in opposition.
This contention picked up more steam as the conservative parent group Utah Parents United pushed more districts to remove titles that they said contained "pornographic or indecent material," and lobbied in support of HB374, a bill that bans "sensitive materials" and requires school districts to evaluate objectionable content in libraries or classrooms and report it to the Utah State Board of Education and, ultimately, the Utah Legislature.
Utah Alliance Coalition President Frank Brannan, at a rally last month in opposition to the policy proposed by board member Cline, described her proposed policy as "extreme," saying it "limits the diversity of library materials for students."
"Utah's educational system belongs to all of us," Brannan said. "Banning a book because it features a gay or transgender character or touches on difficult topics that impact real teens — like drug abuse, sexual assault and racism — does a disservice to all students, but worse, it alienates students who see elements of themselves and their lives in those themes and characters."
Jul 26, 2022
Logan Stefanich
Community members rally against proposed Utah school library book review policy
Juliet Reynolds is the mother of kids who are part of the LGBTQ community and said that she fears removing certain book titles from school libraries could lead to increased suicide rates.
Reynolds, founder of the Murray Equity Alliance, said that for some LGBTQ youth, seeing their experiences represented through literature can be the difference between "life and death."
"Some kids are closeted because they've got parents that are intolerant or that just don't understand, and they feel really alone and isolated," Reynolds said, adding that the same situation applies to stories from or about any diverse perspectives. "One story is never a good idea," she said.
This is just part of why Reynolds joined other activists on Thursday outside of the Utah State Board of Education Building to push the board not to adopt a policy that would restrict the availability of books deemed explicit from school libraries.
It's a policy that Utah Alliance Coalition President Frank Brannon described as "extreme," saying it "limits the diversity of library materials for students."
"Utah's educational system belongs to all of us," Brannon said. "Banning a book because it features a gay or transgender character or touches on difficult topics that impact real teens — like drug abuse, sexual assault and racism — does a disservice to all students, but worse, it alienates students who see elements of themselves and their lives in those themes and characters."
Kelly Whited Jones is an educator in the Davis School District who said that last year the district saw 38 books that were challenged — and all of them remained on the shelves.
As an educator, Jones said that she believes society has to be careful about "what we label as pornography."
Jun 30, 2022
Logan Stefanich
Utah State Board of Education still trying to thread the needle on book ban law guidance
Members of the Utah State Board of Education continue to work out what they hope will be a model policy for how schools resolve concerns some parents have about ‘inappropriate books.’
Despite months of work, so far, and a nearly two-hour debate Thursday, they have yet to reach a consensus on how to move forward.
It’s been a confusing and contentious issue for public education stakeholders nationwide and in Utah, stemming from a massive spike in requests to remove books from school libraries around the country and a recent state law banning “sensitive materials” in schools.
While the Utah law defines sensitive materials as ‘pornographic’ or harmful to minors with no literary or artistic value, school librarians have been unsure about how to enforce it. Even the initial legal guidance from the Attorney General’s office conflicted with later advice from the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel, though the AG has since clarified its directions.
Board members are considering several policy variations. Each lays out how parents, students or members of a school community can flag a book or other school material they find objectionable, triggering a review from a panel, public hearings and an appeal process.
The policies differ, however, in how strict they are, and whether they would simply serve as a model for districts and charter schools to adopt or as specific rules schools would have to follow.
Before Thursday’s meeting, a small group of parents and community advocates gathered outside the state office to urge board members to ensure the process is reasonable and fair to diverse groups of students.
Juliet Reynolds, a parent of four kids who attended the Murray District and a founder of the Murray Equity Alliance, said she showed up in order to fight back against the “intolerance” she’s seen in book challenges.
Jul 1, 2022
Jon Reed
Demonstrators march at Utah State Capitol in support of abortion rights
The leak of a draft earlier this week suggesting Roe v. Wade could be overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court brought dozens of demonstrators to the Utah State Capitol on Sunday.
A Mother's Day march was organized by the Utah Alliance Coalition. The coalition's co-founder, Eleanor Sundwall, said this is the first time they've put on an event like this.
May 8, 2022
Chris Arnold
Utahns gather at Capitol on Mother’s Day in support of abortion rights
Three sisters approached the Utah Capitol on Sunday cloaked in red hooded robes and little white bonnets meant to help shield their faces. Each sister held a sign that read ‘Of Alito’ ‘Of Thomas’ ‘Of Gorsuch,’ as chants from other pro-choice demonstrators echoed around them.
They were three of the roughly 100 people marching at the Capitol on Mother’s Day in support of women’s bodily autonomy. Many marched around the perimeter of the Capitol, holding signs and shouting chants like ‘Hey, hey, ho, ho the patriarchy has got to go.’
May 9, 2022
Saige Miller
The Salt Lake Tribune
Mother's Day March in protest of Supreme Court draft decision to overturn Roe v. Wade
On this day when we celebrate mothers and women, both sides of the abortion argument are taking the opportunity to speak out.
At least 100 people gathered at the south steps of the State Capitol in protest of the Supreme Court’s draft decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and give the power back to the states.
May 8, 2022
Arielle Harrison
Photo gallery: Demonstrators march for women’s rights on Mother’s Day
About 100 people gathered at the Utah Capitol on Sunday for the Mother’s Day March, billed as a community event supporting women’s rights.
A group called the Utah Alliance Coalition organized the event, with flyers describing it as “a pleasant walk with friends in a beautiful location, not a protest or rally.”
May 8, 2022
The Salt Lake Tribune
The Salt Lake Tribune
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